

Keeping It Local

No real cohesion to the mix mash of photos and videos in this post, except that they all come from spots fairly close to home.

I think we can all agree that this is the funnest manny pad in the world. No being able to skate it with my friends because of my shoulder was super frustrating, so I had to mess around with the camera to keep myself occupied. Jesus doing a trippy manual.

A photo of the manny.

Same idea different trick. Graham nollie nose manny.

Graham touching down from a nollie into nose manny.

Got my fitz clip on. Graham nollie nose manny shuv.

Nollie nose manny 180.

Another fitz clip angle. Jesus getting a manny front shuv out.

Jesus coming through with a flip out.

Another day we hit up this pretty high and sketchy flatbar near my residence. Justin Cefai crooked grinding the sidewalk side of it.

My photos don't really do the spot justice for how hard it is to skate. Alec Beck cruising a 50-50.

This dude biked by with a parrot on his back. I'm not sure if anyone besides me noticed.

Alec Beck again grinding a smith.

Another smith grind. I like the car and the guy watching in this one.

Justin Cefai doing a feeble pop over. I got a ton of shots of this trick, but I'm not gonna post them all. Check my flickr if you wanna see them for some reason.

I was sitting in a tree.

Graham watching the action.

Cefai got a line.

Hit up the awesome homemade Old Star spot again with Josh and Justin. Here Cefai gets steezy with a front rock.

This was hard to shoot without setting up flashes. Campos doing a blunt fakie on the rugged homemade tranny. Look out for some new blog footy coming from this spot soon.

Justin has a beautiful shin.

Ended a day at the beach and shot some random photos of Jesus doing kickflips on flat.

Look at that steeeeze!

Get hyped for the ZJ video! I just heard the deadline for filming is April 1st. I've been stacking up a ton of photos that I can't show you until after the video premieres.

Edit: Forgot to add Blog Footy #4

While lurking around at the beach the other day I got Alec Beck to do a blog footy.

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