

The Best Place in Malibu.

Went skating at the infamous abandoned house spot in Malibu yesterday. Shot some photos of Alec Beck and Justin Cefai killing the ridiculous pole jam. Enjoy.

Didn't do a good job of showing the landing, oh well. Justin floating after jamming.

Justin is amazing. Pole jam back 180.

The strangely overcast day in the Bu' didn't seem to bother Alec, he did this pole jam tuck knee a million times.

More sweet knee tuckin' action!

What the hell? Is his back knee touching his board? If he can bend like that on a skateboard, imagine what he could do in bedroom ladies. Thats Mr. Grajeda up there filming. Get hyped for the Scummish Activity premiere later this month and watch the trailer on his blog!


Been a while.

Haven't been able to shoot much lately, UCLA and work has been kicking my ass. Fortunately, I was able to shoot for the first time in ages at this awesome spot in Irvine.

Josue was killing it as usual. 360 flip over the barrier.

More Campos, backside flip.

Maximus got this nice front crook on the third step.

Josue skidding a back tail.

It was getting pretty dark so I busted out the flashes, I liked the natty light way more. Maximus - front crook.

I feel like people are gonna hate me for this shot. Thats Hendy nosegrinding up there.

Little Evan Edwards has a got a beauty of a frontside flick.

Hendy's 360 flip was perfs.

Some more frontside flip catch action from Evan.