


A couple of my shots of Guffey front feeblin' from a few weeks ago are up on Calumonn. Check out the site and I think you'll agree with me that it's worth bookmarking.

Lunch Break.

Alright so here is the second set of photos from this one roll of FP4.

This trailer randomly showed up on the dirt one day. Alf mocks it by taking a giant bite of his sandwich.

Yeah Alf! Handle that shit!

Alright the rest of the photos are going to be from a walk my esteemed colleagues and I took to the sandwich shop and back. Exciting I know. Here we have a head shot of the Alf.

A lot of epic work has been showing up on the backside of the warehouse.

Left foot stride.

Deegs, Jakobe, and Alf strolling.

More strolling.

Deegs is sketch. Finishing off his pre lunch brew.

A bit later. So fresh.

Crossing the tracks.

Alf didn't hesitate when I asked someone to go stand out there.

Pretty sketch.

Strolling across the bridge. "Oh look at us looking all sexy with our sweet shades on."

Jakobe made a good point. Why put a fake tree in the middle of the industrial district? Trying to blend in with the scenery?

Jakobe has been rocking a sweet beard.


Deegs is an ace because he conquered his sandwich before we were even half way back to the warehouse.

Finished off the roll with this shot. Main Street near the bridge over the LA River.


Some Film!

So I just recently developed the first role of film I've shot in a while. Since I'm so broke I'm making every frame count and behaving like a total amateur by posting practically each frame I shot. Sweet. Here are some of the shots from the first portion of the roll.

This is the Chiparaki warehouse, which is where I work. All the shots in the next two posts are going to be based around this awesome place.

I decided to have a photo session in the bathroom for no good reason. For a more awesome version of this photo, check Alf's awesome flier for a party you should of been at.

I'm fucking deep. I should of done something more like this.

Wall meets window in the bathroom. Really fucking similar to this older shot of mine.

This could be a paint roller. Reminds me of book I recently had to read for my Social Psych class. "Mindfulness" by Ellen Langer (looking fresh!).

View of the bathroom roof from the toilet. What some other people look at.

The dirt right outside Chiparaki. Not too long ago (1984) this dirt and the field to the right looked like this. You can even see the Chiparaki building over on the left of the frame.

Anyway, sorry for the boring non skating post. Be prepared for another one in a couple days.