

The Usual

The usual stuff from me. Random skate photos from random sessions.

Jesus was looking real good in these sweet roll up shades we found in Justin's car.

Graham Harrington warming up, launching a wallie.

Graham and Justin skating back to the car.

Found myself out in Pasadena another day, Justin Cefai was starting off some flowing lines with this front boardslide on a rubber bench.

Ray warming up, skidding a front tail over this famous ledge over gap.

Josh Campos working his switch back tail.

Josh came close, but couldn't get the trick he wanted.

Then we hit up this park in Glendale with this famous set. Campos warmed up by snapping over the rail.

Ray was feeling it, and got a trick I can't show you.

Josh looks like he's struggin' here, but he got his trick as well.

Ray messing around after getting his trick. He threw out a few tres, but didn't feel like sticking it.

Another day and we started it off by spending a few minutes skating this random white wall transition. It's definitely sketchier to skate than it looks. The surface crumples a bit and is far from smooth. Josh pumping the tranny backside.

Another backside kickturn.

Campos getting his ollie to fakie on.

Josh frontside ollieing.

This frontside ollie just went up on Tagsters Mag as the new cover.

After that we hit up this kinda short run up 10. Graham Harrington's got a really steezy snap. Warming up before getting a banger.

Suraj handled at the spot too, snapping over this unsuspecting fire hydrant.

Ended up back at this spot again. Only got to skate it for a few minutes before the boot came. Josh warming up with a front tail.

Crooked grind.

Stopped by the famous gap to ledge before heading out. Josh hucking his corpse.

A lot of backlogged video stuff coming soon.

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