


I still have a ton of little video bits that getting kinda old now. This is an attempt to reduce the back log.

Blog Footy #5. Dan the Man recently moved back to Michigan, so I was stoked to get this clip of him having fun at the beach a couple weeks before he left.

I really like how instead of installing your typical skate stopping device, this building put up a cute little fence around this manny pad. It's as if there is a precious little garden to protect, but instead there is just a slab of cement. The fence obviously didn't stop Josh, but the guy yelling "hello" from a window above was more sucessful. I guess his baby was trying to sleep. Pretty sure his yelling had a better chance of waking his baby up than our skating.

Blog Footy #6 with buttery filmer Jesus Grajeda. Getting all Jason Dill on the beach.

Blog Footy #7. Josh Campos shredding some of that local homemade. Big shout out to the Old Star guys for building this.

Blog Footy #8. I guess Justin Cefai is too cool to say it.

Blog Footy #9. Back at the Old Star spot again. Josh killing it again.

Blog Footy #10. More Campos from that day. I dunno how he was doing those flatground tricks, that ground is a lot more rough than it looks.

Suraj and Josh smoking this pole together.

A few posts back I posted a photo of Campos front crooking a curb. Here's the footage to back it up haha.

This up ledge is decently steep. Josh and Justin double up on it with tailslides.

Justin Cefai coming through right as two security guards come and kick us out of an abandoned alley on the side of a parking lot. We were disturbing lots of people.

Ray Maldonado going down hard.

Ray has a pretty buttery front blunt.

Josh Campos is always rocking a hat.

Ray having fun at a park in Pasadena.

Cefai spinning a proper one.

Thats all the footage I've got for now. Check back real soon for a post filled with photos.

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