


Went skating at Paul Revere again, but this time Josue and Jesus joined us. We got there really late, so all we really did was sesh this awesome pile of leaves that was on one of the banks.

Christian was really enjoying the leaves.

Faces are overrated haha. Mr. Campos shows off his backside flip.

Campos spins a tre.

Hahaha. As if you couldn't tell, Jesus was helping out by throwing leaves at Josue. 360 flip again.

Hell yeah Jesus! No comply 180.

Josue Campos boosting an ollie, frontside.

Yeah go me! I should of posted my frontside ollie before Josue's. Jesus gets credit for the photo.

This one is sick Jesus! Josue kickflicks to fakie. Once again shot by Jesus.

Jesus was trying to shoot a photo of Christian doing a 360 flip on flat with leaves flying everywhere, but my flash was running low on batteries and wouldn't fire. I rescued the ridiculously underexposed image in photoshop and got this spooky thing.


_Kat said...

pretty fucking awesome. those leaves make it all like 100 times more awesome, at least. I really dig pictures 2 and 3 because they really show off the curve of the bank

Taylor Fitz-Gibbon said...

Thanks Kat! I agree for sure.