

Killing it in the streets of Santa Monica.

Last Friday I met up with Tyler Kindred to skate around Santa Monica and get some urby as fuck photos. After accomplishing that we met up with the one and only Jake Eames who was soon followed by Michigonians Dan Mancina and Max Schwartz. Oh yeah and Cory was up in there too but I didn't get any photos of him (sorry Cory!). All in all, it was great session. Here are the photos I came up with. Enjoy!

If you've seen Scummish Activity then you've seen Tyler do an epic line with a switch tre over the sand gap then wallie this tree. Here he adds a nose grab for extra urby points.

I couldn't decide which photo I liked more, so you get both.

After hitting up the beach we rolled over to this wallride spot on Lincoln and Tyler killed it with an extra little method grab out.

Heres the long lens version.

Later on we met up with Jake and skated this other sketchy wallride spot on the side of SAMO next to the freeway. Jake was pushing backside wallrides no problem.

Jake is awesome.

And he is good at skateboarding.

I can't believe I caught Tyler smiling.

Jake producing some epic shadow puppets.

Is that suppose to be a duck?



Not stoked.

Dan shows up!

I had to snap a photo when these guys on scooters came by.

I love skateboarding.

Jake thinking about his next attempt.

I still love skateboarding.

Right towards the end of the session Max comes through and lands one of these ridiculous mega pop crooked grind taps. There is only a couple inches of space between the edge of the ledge and the fence. Needless to say I had to make him redo it for a photo. He landed it a couple more times but I never really got the photo I wanted, lets go back and shoot it again Max!

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