

Epic Suraj Photo Sesh Part 1.

Damn, its been over a month. Been really busy with school so I haven't been shooting much. Been skating a lot with Suraj around UCLA lately and the other day my knee was hurting so I busted out the camera for a change. This is the first batch of photos from skating that day, I'll post up the next batch within the next couple days.

Suraj gets his crooks on.

In case you didn't know already, Europeans are fucking weird.

Oh so graceful haha. Suraj gets his no comply on.

Skateboarders get to experience things that most people don't, like laying on the floor of grimey parking lot.

Front crooks.

High enough for you Suraj? 360 flip.

This would of been a back tail, but we got kicked out, because clearly we were bothering a lot people by skating on the top floor of an abandoned parking lot. Noseslide.

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