

The Last of AZ.

I just realized that i never put these photos from the last day in Arizona in a blog. So here you go.

Alec got gnarly pretty fast. Back lip.

Fucking Colin and his perfect back foot catch kickflip.

Eddie was stoooked.

Pretty stoked on this one. Especially considering i shot with an on-cam flash. Alec is sexy.

Alec with a front feebs.

My picture sucks, but Tyler has the most stylish hurricanes. I guess its a good shot of his ass. Stoked.

Fucking stalefish noseblunt?? Alec.

Josh came through. Big ass frontside flip. No footage cause Jesus rooked it.

And of course, Alec wanted more. Fat frontside transfer.
Now go over to Jesus' blog and check out the teaser for the AZ video. Its gonna be amazing.


Justin said...

I love that kickflip and back lip photo. Looks like natural night. Am I wrong?

Taylor Fitz-Gibbon said...

Yep yep. Natural light. Thanks man.