

Beach Drummers.

Was skating down at the beach the other day and these guys randomly set up their drum sets next to this ledge and started jamming. I asked if i could shoot some photos, they were down, and here are the photos. Drummers are Dean Carroll and Adrian Nevarez.

I love random shots like this. Austin nose manuals while the old man in shades and the drummer in shades stare you down!

Square crop action. My comps weren't working out too well. Austin was coming through with the 5-0s though.

I think this is my favorite from the sesh. Austin with a steezy ass nosegrinder.

Then Eddie started skating. Lean back. 5-0.

Eddie has lovely back tails.

Another view of Austin's nosegrind, this time with homie posted up in the background.

Eventually the cops with crazy blue faces came and kicked the drummers out. I guess you can't make noises that radiate further than 50 feet without a permit haha. It was weird to not be the ones getting kicked out for once.

1 comment:

alph said...

at last musicians and skaters have something to bond over besides drugs and babes... police oppression