

Bike Path Bros.

I had a morning during the week without classes or work last week for the first time in a long time. Jake Eames was kind enough to suggest with go shoot a kickflip over this really random barrier on the bike path at the beach.

Shot this one natty light.

I love the catch on this one. Jake is amazing.

Jake wasn't sure if he could do this backside flip, but he could.

What a steezy ollie. Thanks Jake for jumping over this barrier over and over again!

Last weekend we went to the Inland Empire and it pretty much sucked. We got kicked out of everywhere. Including this non-spot. Josh Campos 360 flicks.

Took a break from studying on sunday to shoot Tyler Kindred on this rail. He was trying something more intense, but I'm not allowed to post those cause I'm Jesus' bitch. Front Board.

Bros will be bros.

1 comment:

alph said...

dude-atude making a comeback?