I busted my ankle skating at Samo a couple months ago, I still can't do any nollie flick tricks. Anyway, this is what I saw when I was laying down being super bummed right after it happened.

Suraj was there.

I went bike cruising with Christian one lovely afternoon. Taking pictures with a manual camera while trying to ride a bike is fucking difficult.

Shot a couple photos while lunch breaking it at work.

Need a mattress?

Some unlucky guys were getting arrested.

Nicole and I took my visiting British cousin Jenny and her friend Thea to this famous Malibu beach spot.

My feet.

This dude killed me. Just a snap shot as I walked by.

Just some water and a rock.

I went on an amazing trip with Nicole to San Francisco. Sitting on a ledge, waiting for the bus.

Kennedy poke.

This isn't from the roll, but it is awesome. Spotted this graffiti gem while driving in the mountains. I had to stop and get a photo.