

Pasadena Ditch.

So a few of us went to this amazing ditch spot in Pasadena the other day. I'm definitely gonna be making another trip there sometime soon, so watch out for some more photos. Heres what i got for now.

Alec Beck blasts out of the ditch. You can't tell from my photo and its really hard to explain, so just take my word that the run up for this was sketchy as fuck. Its amazing the things humans build to customize our environment, but its even more amazing how we can take such dead space and turn it into our own playground full of life. People should pay us to skate their useless shit.

Whitey is always hyped to get a photo. Kickflip in a sea of cement.

Not sure what exactly the purpose of this structure is, but Alec makes good use of it. Wallride fakie.


erick31090@yahoo.com said...

how do you get here?

R3VaL4T!oN said...

i live in pasadena, how do you get there?!